



粒度和粒形分析器 CAMSIZER S1 Focusing on the Essentials

  • High-Quality Imaging: Equipped with a 12 Megapixel camera for detailed particle analysis
  • Broad Particle Size Range: Capable of analyzing particle sizes from 30 microns to 5 millimeters.
  • Fast Measurement: High-speed analysis with a large field of view, providing results in just 2-5 minutes.
  • High Sample Throughput: Achieve up to 30 measurements per hour thanks to quick operation and easy sample preparation.
  • Automated Measurements: Standardized measurement routines ensure consistent quality control.
  • Highest Resolution: Precise results with detailed images.
  • Ease of Use: Simple connectivity with just two USB ports is required; no dedicated PC or cumbersome hardware installation is needed.
  • Efficiency: Designed for standard requirements in the bulk solids laboratory without compromising on performance.
  • Over 25 Years of Expertise: Microtrac's legacy of competence and innovation in dynamic image analysis



针对 CAMSIZER S1 可提供一个经认证的参考对象,它使得用户可以在几秒钟内完成设备的校准。该校准对象是一块玻璃板,被准确放在测量区中。其上面以平版技术印刷着不同大小的圆圈。通过测量这些圆圈确定摄像机的成像比例。完成校准后,可以打印一份规定状态的记录报告。




针对 CAMSIZER S1 可以购买不同的沟槽和漏斗套件,它们适用于不同的样品体积和粒度。在 3D 模式下,沟槽宽度会影响 3D 轨迹中颗粒图像的数量,沟槽越窄,图像尺寸就越小,抓帧率也就更高。但窄沟槽会增加测量时间。在选择最为适合您应用的配置时,MICROTRAC 非常乐意为您提供咨询。





Audit Trail Manager


Audit Trail Manager

Audit Trail Manager 是一个扩展软件,可以根据《联邦法规 21 章》第 11 款中的规范进行操作。该标准尤其适用于制药业及其供应商。该程序选项允许以不同的访问级别进行全面的用户管理,并且会将所有过程记录到 Audit Trail 的加密数据库中。为了保证质量,测量结果可以电子签名。




每次测量之前都须做好取样和准备工作。尤其是具有宽分布特性的流动性散装物料可能会发生离解,这在取样不当的情况下会导致错误的结果。通过使用分样器可以轻易生成有代表性的子样品,从而保证获得一个正确的、有说服力的结果。MICROTRAC 推荐使用 Retsch(同样隶属 Verder Scientific 集团)的瓦楞分样器和旋转分样器。



  • 砂子 和 sediments from coarse silt to fine gravel
  • 研磨料 和 blasting media
  • seed, coated and uncoated


  • 玻璃珠
  • 食品
  • Expandable Polystyrene
  • 超级吸收剂

  • 食盐
  • 肥料
  • 药丸 / 颗粒


Perfect Repeatability Sand Samples

Sand is one of the most important standard applications for dynamic image analysis. With a nominal size of 63 μm to 2000 μm, sand is exactly within the measuring range of the CAMSIZER S1. Both broad distributions and closely sieved fractions can be easily analyzed with the CAMSIZER S1 within a very short time, whereby the results are compatible with those of sieve analysis. Our measurement examples show 5 repeat measurements of a broadly distributed sand sample including the expected range of sieving results for this product.

Perfect Repeatability

Fast Measurement and High Sample Throughput Fertilizers

Fertilizers are one of the main applications for Dynamic Image Analysis. The biggest advantage is the fast measurement and high sample throughput, which means that fluctuations in product quality can be detected early, and the process can be adjusted immediately. This reduces the production of rejects and offers real cost savings. A well-adjusted image analysis system provides the complete size and shape distribution of a fertilizer sample within two minutes.

功能强大的 3D 分析

Rapid Quality Control Aggregates (Crushed Rock)

The CAMSIZER S1 can be used for rapid quality control when analyzing aggregates. The device's ability to measure both broadly and narrowly distributed samples with excellent agreement to sieve analysis is impressive. The example shows two samples of crushed rock, one with a size range of 63 μm to 4 mm and one with a narrow grain size range from 710 μm to 1.25 mm.

Fast Characterization Sugar

Depending on further use, different sugar size distributions must be produced, e.g. for beverages, baking mixes, confectionery, or household sugar. The CAMSIZER S1 is suitable for the rapid characterization of sugar, which is particularly advantageous during the beet harvest, when a lot of material is produced, as the time-consuming sieve analysis is no longer necessary.

The measurement example shows five measurements of a common sugar sample and the corresponding sieve analysis. Of course, all other free-flowing bulk materials, such as salts, can be measured just as well with the CAMSIZER S1.


随时总览全部内容 用于 CAMSIZER S1 的 DIMENSIONS 软件

所有参数一览:动态图像分析提供了有关本样品材料的丰富信息。功能强大的 DIMENSIONS 软件可针对单个颗粒采集数十个参数并在一份有条理、符合标准的测量报告中显示结果,测量报告可根据个性化需求进行调整。

  • 操作直观
  • 工作区域布置条理
  • 用户自定义报告模板
  • 测量结果对比一览
  • 新设计的工作区域“颗粒视图”
  • SOP 确保统一的测量条件
  • 自动检测产品规格
  • 不同的用户层级
  • LIMS 连接
  • 可提供符合《联邦法规 21 章》第 11 款的版本
测量原理动态图像分析(ISO 13322-2)
测量范围30 µm to 5 mm (recommended 50 µm to 4.5 mm)
参数2D particle analysis with basic size and shape definitions
摄像机12.5 Megapixels
测量持续时间大约 2 至 5 分钟(取决于所需的测量统计数据)
软件Microtrac DIMENSIONS
尺寸850 × 650 × 350 mm
重量约 40 kg
经过 CE 认证